All Eyes on You
Price 1100 CHF
Need help preparing for a big event or even a little one that matters to you! If you have an interview, presentation, networking opportunity or even a date we will ensure you are ready from inside out. With the right attire and polished communication, you are sure to be noticed. This package will help you get ready to show up and be seen and have the impact you intend. All eyes on you gives you one look for one event towards one goal. We prepare you to deliver your best self at any event.
Perfect for:
- Presentations
- Interviews
- Social events
What you get
- Clear goal/intention for your event
- Communication skills (elevator pitch, conversation / networking skills, presentation training)
- Confidence boost
- An image that aligns with your intention
- Right look for the right event
- Stress-free event
- Initial consultation (stylist and coach) 1 hr
- Wardrobe review (stylist) 1.5 hr
- Shopping as needed (stylist) 2 hr
- Integration session (coach) 1.5 hr
All packages are adapted for individual needs and additional hours of either service can be purchased on top.